Belen Barturen (San Sebastian)

I have participated in the “Transforming lives®” program and it has really been a very joyful and unforgettable experience. I had the opportunity to receive coaching with Kanta Motwani and i was also able to experience an incredible feeling of gratitude, love and generosity, which was very welcoming after releasing beliefs and obstacles which were limiting and were preventing me from moving forward in life.

I can confirm, that Kanta Motwani is an extraordinary woman who knows how to connect with her public in such an effective manner. From her personal experience, her wealth of human values and the strategies that she used to connect with the audience, made me feel whole, complete, happy and with a lot of positive energy. It is an experience that is worth living, share it with your friends, family and even would repeat it again. Thanks Kanta.-


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FREE Download Chapter "Owning your Power"  Best Seller The Soul of Success Kanta Motwani, co-authored with Jack Canfield

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"Owning your Power" 

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The Soul of Success 

Kanta Motwani, co-authored with Jack Canfield

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