What comes first Happiness or Success? – Gratitude fuels Success…


I too used to live in that confusion that Success led to happiness. I used to think that “when I become…. when I am recognised, when I reach my goal… that would make me happy.

Let me share with you that it is all the way around. It is Success that fuels Happiness.   Gratitude produces Happiness and that fuels Success.    It is when you are Grateful that you are happy and therefore you produce positive outcomes that lead you to Success.  It is so easy to get caught up in the long shopping like “to do lists”, crazy working hours. Don´t get me wrong, it is great to have goals but you can only accomplish them when you don´t forget about yourself. Love yourself, treat yourself like a star of the movie of your life and not a supporting actor.

Achieve those ambitious goals, however put your mental and physical health first. Build a positive attitude, happy habits, be grateful and look at life passionately instead of running your life in an auto-pilot mode.   If you have read my story, I chose to  be happy even during challenging times. Seeing the good instead of the bad. Learning successful habits to produce positive outcomes. Being very grateful for every single moment of my life, for every single experience and appreciating myself. Building a great relationship with myself is what started reflecting in my outer world. Acknowledging myself, understanding who I am, raising my awareness and building up my Self-esteem is what has moulded me to who I am today and that is my biggest Success.

Research shows that successful people have better awareness, are focused and goal oriented, they do not judge, criticize or complain. They do not blame other people or circumstances and they do not feel sorry for themselves. They are not victims of their circumstances.

Happy people perform better because they take care of themselves and engage in positive behaviours, they surround themsevles with people who uplift their energy, which makes them feel better as they start experiencing more positive emotions, and become more productive and perform better.

In other words we need to take 100% responsibility for our lives, and take control of the thoughts that we hold in our mind, as they produce our physical reallity. Ask yourself every time you are caught up dwelling into the past or in self-defeating behaviours.

Are these thoughts serving my purpose? 
Are they aligned with what I want to produce?

You have to take control of your behaviour, for every single quadrant of your life, and build up an optimum subconscious program to start attracting that what you want in your life, instead of what you  don´t want.

You have to give up all excuses about past experiences, past traumas, and every circumstance that you might have gone through, and constantly build up your Self-esteem to educate yourself in building happy habits and practising those successful habits until they become fully natural to you.

Be Grateful for every single experience in your life, every support that you have received, everything that you have now. Be grateful to every person that participated or was involved in any of your experiences whether they were positive or not to how you perceived things in that moment.

Building up your Self-esteem is the Key element to your Success.

Your Path to Success with Kanta Motwani

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